15 Oct MCA’s Block pARTy 2024: Day of the Dead Celebration
Marion Cultural Alliance’s, iconic fundraiser and exhibit Block pARTy, returns – bigger, bolder and ‘blockier’ than ever! Back by popular demand, this exhibit features 12 x 12 ‘blocks’ of art created by local and regional artists, designers, and creators. This year’s party is themed around the vibrant and colorful traditions of the Mexican holiday, Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), which is celebrated each year on November 1st. Main event was held on November 1st, however all remaining blocks are only $35 through the end of the exhibit!
This event is sponsored by Angie Lewis State Farm, Lisa Irwin, Robert Boissenault Oncology Institute & Urology Institute of Central Florida, in pARTnership with Kismet Creative Co. We thank them for their continued support!
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