This form can be used to submit your initial application budget and any subsequent budget revisions.
*Note: MCA Cultural Arts Grant can be used for up to 50% of the program/project cost.
All costs included in this budget, whether paid for with MCA Cultural Arts Grant funds or your cost share, must be directly allocable to the project activity, allowable, and adequately documented. Actual, allowable expenditures must be reported on all payment requests and financial reports.
Only included costs expected to be incurred within the period of performance, which can begin no earlier than the earliest allowable start date noted in the guidelines for this MCA Cultural Arts Grant funding opportunity. Costs such as salaries, wages, fringe benefits, and administrative overhead may need to be pro-rated to reflect this period.
Provide a detailed breakdown of any large line items.
For equipment, clearly note items to be rented or leased versus those to be purchased.
Do not included unallowable costs such as receptions/parties, alcoholic beverages, cash prizes, construction or miscellaneous. (See detailed list in the guidelines)
This budget cannot include overlapping project costs with any other MCA Grant award.