Marion Cultural Alliance | Project Budget Form

Project Budget Form

This form can be used to submit your initial application budget and any subsequent budget revisions.

*Note: MCA Cultural Arts Grant can be used for up to 50% of the program/project cost.

"*" indicates required fields


0 of 150 max characters
Identify the person who has the legal authority to approve this budget on behalf of your organization.
Identify the person who can answer specific questions about this project.
Direct Costs – Salaries and Wages
Title/Type of personnel
# of personnel
Annual salary/range
% of time allocated
Include salaried employees, Pro-rate salaries to reflect only those incurred within the period of performance. (List artists, consultants, and contractors under Other Costs)
Include all other direct project costs here, such as artists or consultant fees, marketing/promotion, supplies and materials, publications, distribution, access accommodations such as sign language interpretation or braille (no construction/renovation costs), shipping/cartage, rental of venues or equipment etc. If you are not claiming indirect Costs below, you may also include a pro-rated portion of administrative overhead.
(Total Salaries, Wages + Total Other COSTS
Project Income
Organization Share: Cash. Include your organization’s contributions, cash donations, non-federal grants, and revenues such as ticket income or tuition fees. Federal funds subgranted from a state arts agency, regional arts organization, or local arts agency cannot be used as match.
Include goods or services provided by individuals.entities outside of your organization (third-party contributions). All items listed here must correspond directly to a project cost line item to determine allowability.